St. Felix Catholic Center Accomodations
Our Lady's Grotto
As you arrive at St. Felix Catholic Center, you will immediately be drawn to the welcoming glance of Our Lady in her Grotto. The Grotto has been restored with original field stone. Be sure to visit Our Lady and ask her to guide you during your stay at St. Felix. If you submit your visit to her motherly tenderness, you will be sure to be guided to her Son and open to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
St. Felix de Cantalice Oratory
(Main Chapel - seats 250 people) The Oratory at St. Felix Catholic Center was a labor of love for the Foundation and staff have enjoyed many blessings in their great efforts to restore it to its original beauty. Adjacent to the Oratory is a Sacristy with sacred vessels, linens and vestments readily available for your priest to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
There are 70 simple Franciscan Style bedrooms available. Each room offers a quiet place to retreat away from your group and enjoy a little rest or a place to be alone in prayer. Without the distractions of “Modern Technology”
There is a kitchen available for warming and serving meals.